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- pan

[pan 词源字典] - pan: [OE] Pan is a general West Germanic word, with relatives in German (pfanne) and Dutch (pan), and also, by borrowing, in Swedish (panna) and Danish (pande). It may have been borrowed into Germanic from Latin patina ‘dish’ (source of English paten [13] and patina [18]), which itself went back to Greek patánē ‘plate, dish’.
The verbal use pan out ‘turn out, succeed’ is an allusion to the getting of a result when ‘panning’ for gold – washing gold-bearing gravel, silt, etc in a shallow pan to separate out the metal. (Pan ‘move a camera’ [20], incidentally, is a different word altogether. It is an abbreviation of panorama.)
=> paten, patina; panorama[pan etymology, pan origin, 英语词源]