sleighyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[sleigh 词源字典]
sleigh: see sledge
[sleigh etymology, sleigh origin, 英语词源]
city in North Carolina, U.S., founded 1792 and named for Sir Walter Raleigh (1552-1618).
sleigh (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"vehicle mounted on runners for use on ice and snow," 1703, American and Canadian English, from Dutch slee, shortened from slede (see sled (n.)). As a verb from 1728. Related: Sleighing. Sleigh-ride is first recorded 1770; sleigh-bells is from c. 1780; they originally were used to give warning of the approach of a sleigh.
sleight (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"cunning," early 14c. alteration of sleahthe (c. 1200), from Old Norse sloegð "cleverness, cunning, slyness," from sloegr (see sly). Meaning "skill, cleverness, dexterity" is from late 14c. Meaning "feat or trick requiring quickness and nimbleness of the hands" is from 1590s. Term sleight of hand is attested from c. 1400.
"A mechanically steered and braked sledge, typically for two or four people, used for racing down an ice-covered run", Mid 19th century (originally US, denoting a sleigh made of two short sleighs coupled together and used for hauling logs): from bob2 in the sense 'short' + sleigh.