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- part

[part 词源字典] - part: [13] Latin pars, a possible relative of parāre ‘make ready’ (source of English prepare), had a wide range of meanings – ‘piece’, ‘side’, ‘share’, etc – many of them shared by its English descendant part. The word was originally acquired in the late Old English period, but does not seem to have survived, and as we now have it was reborrowed via Old French part in the 13th century.
Other English descendants of pars include parcel, parse [16] (based on the notion of ‘parts’ of speech), partake [16] (a backformation from partaker [14], itself created from part and taker), partial [15], participate, participle, particle, particular, partisan, partition, partner, and party.
=> parcel, parse, partial, particle, partisan, partner, party[part etymology, part origin, 英语词源]