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- crop

[crop 词源字典] - crop: [OE] Old English cropp meant ‘bird’s craw’ and ‘rounded head of a plant’, and it was presumably the latter that gave rise to the word’s most familiar modern sense, ‘cultivated plant produce’, at some time in the 13th century. Its relatives in other Germanic languages, including German kropf and Dutch krop, are used for ‘bird’s craw’ but also for various bodily swellings in the throat and elsewhere, indicating the word’s underlying meaning is ‘round mass, lump’.
Its Germanic ancestor, *kruppō, was borrowed into Vulgar Latin as *cruppa, which made its way via Old French into English as croup ‘horse’s (round) rump’ [13], and as the derivative crupper [13]. Croupier [18] is based on French croupe, having originally meant ‘person who rides on the rump, behind the saddle’. The Germanic base *krup- ‘round mass, lump’ is also the ancestor of English group.
=> croup, croupier, crupper, group[crop etymology, crop origin, 英语词源]