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- pound

[pound 词源字典] - pound: English has three distinct words pound. The measure of weight and unit of currency [OE] goes back ultimately to Latin pondō ‘12- ounce weight’, a relative of pondus ‘weight’ (source of English ponder) and pendere ‘weigh’ (source of English pension and poise). It was borrowed into prehistoric Germanic as *pundo, which has evolved into German pfund.
Dutch pond, Swedish pund, and English pound. Its monetary use comes from the notion of a ‘pound’ weight of silver. Pound ‘enclosure’ [14] is of unknown origin. It existed in Old English times in the compound pundfald, which has become modern English pinfold, and pond is a variant form of it. Pound ‘crush’ [OE] is almost equally mysterious.
In Old English it was pūnian (it did not acquire its final d until the 16th century, in fact), and it has been traced back to a Germanic *pūn-, which also produced Dutch puin ‘rubbish’.
=> pendant, pension, poise, ponder; pinfold, pond[pound etymology, pound origin, 英语词源]