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- arid

[arid 词源字典] - arid: [17] English acquired arid from Latin aridus, either directly or via French aride. The Latin adjective is part of a web of related words denoting ‘dryness’ or ‘burning’: it came from the verb ārēre ‘be dry’, which may be the source of area; it seems to have connections with a prehistoric Germanic *azgon, source of English ash ‘burnt matter’, and with Greek azaléos ‘dry’, source of English azalea [18] (so named from its favouring dry soil); and the Latin verb ardēre ‘burn’ was derived from it, from which English gets ardour [14], ardent [14], and arson.
=> ardour, area, arson, ash, azalea[arid etymology, arid origin, 英语词源]