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- cross

[cross 词源字典] - cross: [OE] When the Anglo-Saxons embraced Christianity they acquired cros, in the first instance from Old Irish cross. The word’s ultimate source was Latin crux, which may have been of Phoenician origin (although some have connected it with Latin curvus ‘bent’). (Crux itself was borrowed into English in the 18th century.) The cross’s shape formed the basis of the adjectival, adverbial, and verbal uses of the word, and also of across. (The notion of ‘crossing’ also lies behind cruise [17] a probable borrowing from the Dutch kruisen ‘cross’.) Derivatives of the Latin word include crucial [18], crucible [15], crucifix [13] (from late Latin crucifixus, literally ‘fixed to a cross’), crusade [16], and excruciate [16].
=> crucial, crucible, crucifix, crusade, excruciate[cross etymology, cross origin, 英语词源]