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stationyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[station 词源字典]
station: [14] A station is etymologically a ‘standing’, hence a ‘place for standing’ – a guard who takes up his ‘station’ outside a building goes and ‘stands’ there. The word comes via Old French station from Latin statiō ‘standing’, a descendant of the base *stā- ‘stand’ (to which English stand is related). Various metaphorical senses emerged in Latin, such as ‘post, job’ and ‘abode, residence’, but ‘stopping place for vehicles’ is a post-Latin development.

It came out of an earlier ‘stopping place on a journey’, and is first recorded in English at the end of the 18th century, in the USA, with reference to coach routes. The application to ‘railway stations’ dates from the 1830s. The notion of ‘standing still’ is preserved in the derived adjective stationary [15].

=> constant, instant, stand, state, stationary, stationery, statue[station etymology, station origin, 英语词源]