regurgitateyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[regurgitate 词源字典]
regurgitate: see gorge
[regurgitate etymology, regurgitate origin, 英语词源]
regurgitate (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1640s (intransitive), 1753 (transitive), back formation from regurgitation, or else from Medieval Latin regurgitatus, past participle of regurgitare. Meaning "to vomit" first attested 1753. Related: Regurgitated; regurgitating.
"Swallow (something) greedily", Late 16th century: from Latin ingurgitat- 'poured in, drenched', from the verb ingurgitare, from in- 'into' + gurges, gurgit- 'whirlpool, gulf'.