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- ration

[ration 词源字典] - ration: [18] Ration, like reason, comes from Latin ratiō, a derivative of the verb rērī ‘think, calculate’. This meant, among other things, ‘calculation, computation’, in which sense it has yielded English ratio [17]. In the Middle Ages it was used for an ‘amount of provisions calculated for a soldier’, and that meaning has channelled via Spanish ración and French ration into English as ration.
The ‘thinking’ sense of ratiō has reached English as reason, but its derivative rational [14] is less heavily disguised. Other English descendants of Latin rērī include rate and ratify [14], and the -red of hundred comes from a prehistoric Germanic *rath ‘number’, which came ultimately from Latin ratiō.
=> hundred, rate, ratio, reason[ration etymology, ration origin, 英语词源]