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pulpityoudaoicibaDictYouDict[pulpit 词源字典]
pulpit: [14] Classical Latin pulpitum, a word of unknown origin, denoted ‘platform, stage’. This sense was originally carried over into English (Miles Coverdale, in his 1535 translation of II Chronicles 6:13, wrote ‘Salomon had made a brasen pulpit … upon the same stood he’, where the 1611 Authorized Version was later to have ‘Solomon had made a brasen scaffold … and upon it he stood’).

But it was eventually swamped by a subsidiary sense which emerged in medieval Latin: pulpitum had been applied particularly to platforms on which people stood to speak in public, and in ecclesiastical usage it came to denote a ‘raised structure on which preachers stand’.

[pulpit etymology, pulpit origin, 英语词源]