EvianyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[Evian 词源字典]
in reference to mineral water, 1857, from the town of Évian-les-Bains on the shore of Lake Geneva in eastern France. The place is recorded from 8c. as Laquatico, from Latin aqua "water."[Evian etymology, Evian origin, 英语词源]
mineral (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
early 15c., "neither animal nor vegetable," from Old French mineral and directly from Medieval Latin mineralis (see mineral (n.)). Mineral water (early 15c.) originally was water found in nature with some mineral substance dissolved in it.
proprietary name of a natural mineral water from southern France, first attested in English 1904.
1741, from German Selterser (Wasser), a kind of mineral water, literally "of Selters," village near Weisbaden in Hesse-Nassau, where the mineral water is found.