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eldoradoyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[eldorado 词源字典]
eldorado: [16] Eldorado was the name given by the Spanish to a country or city which they believed to exist in the heart of the Amazonian jungle, rich in precious metals and gems. It means ‘the gilded one’: el is the Spanish definite article, and dorado is the past participle of the Spanish verb dorar ‘gild’, a descendant of Latin dēaurāre. This was a compound verb formed from the intensive prefix - and aurum ‘gold’. The first known use of the word in English is in the title of Sir Walter Raleigh’s book Discoverie of Guiana, with a relation of the Great and Golden City of Manoa (which the Spaniards call El Dorado) 1596.
[eldorado etymology, eldorado origin, 英语词源]