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- salt

[salt 词源字典] - salt: [OE] Salt was a key element in the diet of our Indo-European ancestors, and their word for it, *sal-, is the source of virtually all the modern European terms, including Russian sol’, Polish sól, Serbo-Croat so, Irish salann, and Welsh halen. Greek háls has given English halogen [19]. And Latin sāl, besides evolving into French sel, Italian sale, Spanish sal, and Romanian sare, has contributed an enormous range of vocabulary to English, including salad, salary, saline [15], salsa, sauce, saucer, and sausage.
Its Germanic descendant was *salt-, which has produced Swedish, Danish, and English salt and Dutch zout, and also lies behind English silt and souse.
=> halogen, salad, salary, saline, salsa, sauce, saucer, sausage, silt, souse[salt etymology, salt origin, 英语词源]