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- heave

[heave 词源字典] - heave: [OE] Heave is part of a major family of English words that can trace their ancestry back to Indo-European *kap- ‘seize’. One of its Latin descendants was the verb capere ‘take’, which has given English capable, capacious, capstan, caption, captious, capture, case (for carrying things), cater, chase, prince, and many others.
To Germanic it gave *khabjan, from which come German heben ‘lift’ and English heave (which also originally meant ‘lift’; ‘throw’ and ‘haul’ are 16th-century developments). Haft [OE] (literally ‘something by which one seizes or holds on to something’) and heavy are derived from the same base as heave, and have may be related. Hefty [19] comes from heft ‘weight, heaviness’ [16], which was formed from heave on the analogy of such pairs as weave and weft.
=> capable, capacious, capstan, caption, captive, capture, case, cater, chase, haft, heavy, hefty, prince[heave etymology, heave origin, 英语词源]