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collaryoudaoicibaDictYouDict[collar 词源字典]
collar: [13] Etymologically, a collar is simply something worn round one’s ‘neck’. The word comes via Anglo-Norman coler from Latin collāre, which meant ‘necklace’ as well as ‘part of a garment that encircles the neck’ (both senses have come through into English, although the latter has predominated). Collāre was a derivative of collum ‘neck’, which came from an earlier base *kols- that also produced German and Swedish hals ‘neck’.

It has been speculated that it goes back ultimately to Indo-European *qwelo- ‘go round’, the root from which we get English wheel – the underlying notion being that the neck is that on which the head turns.

=> décolleté, hauberk, wheel[collar etymology, collar origin, 英语词源]