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revoltyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[revolt 词源字典]
revolt: [16] Latin volvere meant ‘roll’ (it is the source of English vault ‘jump’). Addition of the prefix re- ‘back’ produced revolvere ‘roll back, unroll’, hence ‘come to the original point, return, revolve’. English acquired this as revolve [14], and also took over its late Latin derivative revolūtiō via Old French as revolution [14], whose leading modern meaning ‘violent overthrow of a government’ emerged in the 16th century via an intermediate ‘complete reversal’.

The term revolver [19] for a pistol with a revolving chamber was apparently coined by its inventor Samuel Colt. Revolt itself came via French révolter and Italian rivoltare from Vulgar Latin *revolvitāre, a derivative of revolvere.

=> vault, volume[revolt etymology, revolt origin, 英语词源]