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- eye

[eye 词源字典] - eye: [OE] In Old English times eye was ēage, which is related to a whole range of words for ‘eye’ in other European languages. Its immediate derivation is from prehistoric Germanic *augon, which was also the source of German auge, Dutch oog, Swedish öga, and many others. And *augon in its turn goes back to an Indo-European oqw-, which supplied the word for ‘eye’ to all the other Indo-European languages except the Celtic ones, including Russian óko (now obsolete), Greek ophthalmós, and Latin oculus (with all its subsequent derivatives such as French oeuil, Italian occhio, and Spanish ojo).
Amongst its more surprising English relatives are atrocious, ferocious, inoculate, ullage, and window.
=> atrocious, ferocious, inoculate, ocular, ullage, window[eye etymology, eye origin, 英语词源]