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后缀:-ile ①[形容词后缀]


merchantile 商人的,商业的

infantile 幼小的

insectile 昆虫的

contractile 可收缩的

retractile 能缩回的

sectile 可切开的

pulsatile 跳动的

servile 奴隶的,奴性的

expansile 可扩张的

extensile 可伸展的

juvenile 青少年的

fertile 肥沃的

fragile 易碎的

protractile 可伸出的

flexile 易弯曲的



missile 导弹,发射物

projectile 抛射体,射弹

textile 纺织品

automobile 汽车

domicile 住宅,住处

词根词缀:-ile, -il

【来源及含义】Latin: suffix; ability to, capable of, suitable for; pertaining to, like, belonging to, tending to

【同源单词】agile, docile, domicile, facile, fertile, fragile

词根词缀:ile-, ileo-

【来源及含义】Greek > Latin: groin, flank, lower part of the body; gut, bowels, abdomen, loins

【相关描述】A combining form that denotes the ileum or the lower section of the small intestine.

From Greek eileos, verbal of eilein, to roll or twist up tightly; once used interchangeably with ilium, but later referred to the entire intestine; the last division of the small intestine.

【同源单词】gastroileostomy, ileocecal, ileocecostomy, ileocecum, ileocolic, ileocolitis