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词根:pol(y) = 卖

  词根pol 有来源于希腊语 polis的同形异义词根pol,含义是“国家,城市”。


1. monopoly  [mono- 独,poly 卖;“独家专卖”→]

2. monopolist  [见上,-ist 者]

3. monopolism  [见上,-ism 主义]

4. monopolize  [见上,-ize 动词后缀]
  v. 垄断;独占;专营

5. monopolization  [见上,-ation名词后缀]

6. duopoly  [duo 两,poly 卖;“两家专卖”→]

7. bibliopoly  [biblio 书,poly 卖]

8. bibliopole  [biblio 书,pol 卖,-e 后缀]

9. oligopoly  [oligo 少,少数,poly 卖]

词根:erg = 工作

  词根erg 是比较重要的,重的原因不是因为它派生出多少单词,而是与它相关的词根都比较重要,下面对这个词根来源及相关词根进行介绍。

  词根erg 来源于希腊语 ergon 工作,由于“功”这个概念在物理学上的重要性,所以它经常出现在科技术语中,且常带有连接词 -o-。词根arg-,-ory-,-urg(y)-,-ergo- 为 词根-erg- 的变体,其中,-urgy 为名词构词形式,表示“制作科学 / 技术 / 工艺”;词根erg有异形同义词根:-us-,-util- 使用 / 作用;词根erg它相应的拉丁语词根为:-oper- 工作,来源于拉丁语 opus,如:opus 作品、operator操作人员;还有一个也表示工作的词根labor与词根是同义异源。


1. energy  [en- 加强意义,erg 工作 → 工作能力的,-y 名词后缀]

2. energetic  [见上,-etic 形容后缀,...的]

3. energetics  [见上,-ics ...学]

4. erg  [erg 工作 → 功]

5. ergometer  [erg 工作 → 功,-o-,meter 测量器,计]

6. synergic  [syn- 共同,erg 工作,-ic ...的]

7. synergism  [见上,-ism 表示作用]

8. ergophobia  [erg 工作,-o-,怕,憎恶]

词根:grand = great, large(大)

  来源:①来源于古法语或拉丁语 grand/grandis 大;②来源于一种乐器名称:grand piano ( 三角平台式 ) 大钢琴; 意为great,large。同义词根有来源于希腊语的coloss,magn,maha,mega/megalo,metro 和来源于拉丁语的maj,max等

。同形异义词根:-grand- 隔一代的 ( 亲戚关系 ),如:grandad 爷爷、grandson 孙子。


1. aggrandize(使更大 ag<ad(=to,add)强调 + grand(=great) + -ize (v.) 动词后缀)
  n.aggrandizement n.扩大;提高;强化;夸张(同上,-ment (n.) 名词后缀)
  He seeks to aggrandize himself before his superiors to advance his career. 他为了晋升而在上司面前过分地夸大自己。

2. grand
  grandly adv.宏伟地;崇高地
  grand jury 大陪审团
  Grand Canyon 大峡谷(美国亚利桑那州科罗拉多河的大峡谷)
  Grand Old Party 老大党,指美国共和党,缩写:GOP

3. grandeur (-eur (n.) 名词后缀,大的东西特别是建筑,山川,江河等越大越壮丽,壮观-->)
  the grandeur of Napoleon Bonaparte 拿破仑.波拿巴的伟大
  the grandeur of the Swiss Alps 瑞士阿尔卑斯山的壮观
  the grandeur of his nature 他高贵的气质

4. grandiloquent (-i- 连接词、-loqu- 说、-ent (a.) 形容词后缀,表示“…的”(形容与大有关的词汇,即夸大的 / 夸张的 / 词藻浮华的))
  adj.夸张的,夸大的;大言不惭的 *loqu (=say)
  grandiloquence n.夸张之言;大言不惭
  grandiloquent speaker 夸夸其谈的人
  written in a grandiloquent stlye 以夸张的风格写作

5. grandiose (-grand- 大 + -i- 连接词 + -ose (a.) 表示“…的”,形容与大有关的词汇,即宏伟的 / 庞大的 / 浮夸的)

6. grandfather (比爸爸还大的,还长的,爸爸的长辈 -->)

7. grandmother(比妈妈还大的,还长的,妈妈的妈妈-->)

词根词缀:laryng-, laryngo-

【来源及含义】Greek > Modern Latin: throat, upper part of the windpipe; the vocal-chord area of the throat; the musculocartilaginous structure below the tongue root and hyoid bone and above the trachea

【相关描述】Stedman's Medical Dictionary, 28th Edition, cautions users to be aware of the proper pronunciations of laryngo- (luh RING goh) and laryng- (luh RINJ): "Avoid mispronouncing this combining form lar-in' jo" or (lar IN joh).

Here is a special article about the Neck and Throat.

【相关词根词缀】 Cross references related to "neck, throat" word families: cervic-; coll-; esophag-; guttur-; nuch-; trachel-.

【同源单词】autolaryngoscopy, chronic posterior laryngitis, chronic subglottic laryngitis, croupous laryngitis, esophagolaryngectomy, esophagopharyngolaryngectomy

词根词缀:lygo-, lyg-

【来源及含义】Greek: shadow, shadowy; shade, darkness; twilight; gloomy

【相关词根词缀】Other related "dark; shadow, shade; black" units: melan-; nigri-; nocti-; nycti-; scoto-; skio-; umbra-.

【同源单词】lygomania, lygophil, lygophile, lygophobia

词根词缀:mastig-, mastigo-

【来源及含义】Greek: whip, flog, scourge

【同源单词】mastigophobia, Mastigophora, mastigophoric, mastigophorous, Mastigoproctus, tetramastigote

词根词缀:opsono-, opson-, opso-; opsino-; opsoni; -opsony

【来源及含义】Greek: boiled meat; to buy food; to purchase provisions; shopping

【相关描述】"Something to accompany bread to make it more palatable"; hence, "condiment, relish". Also used with the biochemical suffix -in which is used in naming antibiotics, the idea being that opsonin acts as a "condiment" to make bacteria more "palatable" to phagocytes.

【同源单词】duopsony, monopsonist, monopsonistic, monopsony, oligopsonistic, oligopsony

词根词缀:pago-, pag- (cold, freezing)

【来源及含义】Greek: cold, frost, freezing; fixed or hardened; united

【相关描述】Be aware that there is another Greek pago- unit that refers to a "peak"; however, it is used by biologists and ecologists in the restricted sense of "foothill".

【相关词根词缀】 Cross references of word families that are related directly or indirectly to "winter, freezing, frost, and/or cold": algid- (cold, chilly); cheimo-, chimo- (winter, cold); crymo-, krymo- (cold, chill, frost); cryo-, kryo-; (cold, freezing); psychro- (cold); rhigo- (cold, frost; shiver).

【同源单词】pagon, pagophagia, pagophile, pagophilia, pagophilous, Pagophilus

词根词缀:pago-, pag- (peak)

【来源及含义】Greek: a "peak", but used by ecologists in the restricted sense of "foothill"

【相关描述】Be aware that there is another Greek pago- unit that refers to "ice".

【同源单词】pagophilous, pagophily, pagophyte


【来源及含义】Greek: something fixed or fastened together; a suffix that denotes conjoined twins, the first element of a word denotes the parts fused

【同源单词】craniopagus, omphalopagus, pygopagus, thoracogastropagus, thoracopagus