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词根词缀:mot-, moto-, -motile, -motility, -motorial, -motoric, -motive, -motored; mov-

【来源及含义】Latin: move, motion

【相关词根词缀】Related "move, motion" word units: cine-; kine-; mobil-; oscillo-; seismo-; vibro-.

【同源单词】acousticomotor, agrimotor, algiomotor, anemotactic, anemotaxis, arteriomotor


【来源及含义】Latin: nothing, not

【相关描述】There are hundreds of other "non-" prefix words that can be found in dictionaries.

【同源单词】Non assumpsit, Non bis in idem, non compos mentis, Non culpabilis, Non erat his locus, non est inventus

词根词缀:publi-, pub-

【来源及含义】Latin: people, belonging to the people, concerning people, population

【相关词根词缀】Related "people, human" word units: anthropo-; demo-; ethno-; ochlo-; popu-.

【同源单词】ludi publici, Non tua te moveant, Per scientiam ad salutem publicam, political-public speaking, Pro bono publico, Pro Christo et Republica