词根词缀:amat-, amor-, am-
【来源及含义】Latin: love, loving; fondness for; such as a man for a woman and a woman for a man
【相关词根词缀】This "love" unit is the main source of the words in the ami- or "friend" unit. Related "love, fondness" units: agape-; philo-; vener-; venus.
【同源单词】amateur, amateurish, amateurishly, amateurishness, amative, amatively
词根词缀:plac-, placi-, -plais
【来源及含义】Latin: to please, to satisfy; peace, peacefulness; calm, calmness
【相关词根词缀】 Cross references directly, or indirectly, involving "calm, calmness, peace, quiet": pac-, peac-; quies-, quiet-; seren-.
【同源单词】complacence, complacent, complacently, complaisance, complaisant, complaisantly
【来源及含义】Latin: where
【同源单词】nullibiquitous, ubi, Ubi amici, Ubi amor condimentum inerit, Ubi bene ibi patria, Ubi bene ibi patria