词根词缀:allo-, all-
【来源及含义】Greek: different, other, another; divergence; a combining form denoting a condition differing from the normal or a reversal, or referring to "another"
【相关词根词缀】 Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "another, other, different, alternating, varied, changing": ali-; alter-; allelo-; hetero-; mut-; poikilo-; reciproc-; vari-.
【同源单词】allegory, allenthesis, allergen, allergization, allergy, allesthesia
词根词缀:micto-, -mict-
【来源及含义】Greek: mix, mixed; thrown together, blended
【同源单词】allomixis, amictic, amphimixis, dimictic, holomictic, meromictic
词根词缀:mixo-, mix-, mixti-, -mixis, -mixia, -mixie, -mixy
【来源及含义】Greek mikso > Latin mixtus: mix, mixed, a mixing, a mingling, an intercourse; to combine or to blend into one mass or substance; to combine things; such as, activities, ideas, styles; to balance and to adjust individual musical performers’ parts to make an overall sound by electronic means
【同源单词】ACE mixture, admixtion, allomixis, amphimixis, case mix, crenogenic meromixis