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词根词缀:ath-, athl-

【来源及含义】Greek: struggle, a contest [in war or in sports], to contend for a prize; physical activity, rigorous self-discipline or training

【同源单词】ascesis, ascetic, ascetic, asceticism, athlete, athletic

词根词缀:-etic, -etics

【来源及含义】Greek: -etikos, an adjective suffix meaning "pertaining to, of the nature of" for nouns ending in -esis

【同源单词】abiogenetic, acetic, acetic, acetic, acmesthetic, acrophonic


【来源及含义】Greek: a suffix; pertaining to; of the nature of, like; in chemistry, it denotes a higher valence of the element than is expressed by -ous

【同源单词】abdominocystic, abdominopelvic, abdominoscopy, abdominothoracic, abiogenetic, abiogenic