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词根:cast = to throw (投掷)

  *中古英文cast(=to throw)。


1. cast v.掷;抛;投;铸造;指定演员,分配角色;脱落;加起来;投射(目光);投(票);预测

2. broadcast vt.广播;撒播;散布 n.广播;播种 adj.广播的;普遍的

3. forecast v.,n.预测;预报《fore =before》

4. outcast n.被逐出者;流浪者 adj.被弃的;无家可归的

5. overcast adj.多云的;阴暗的;忧郁的 v.使阴暗《over- = above》

6. telecast v.以电视播送 n.电视播送《tele = far off》

词根:cast, cest, chast = pure(纯洁)

  词根cast来自拉丁语的cast 意为pure。cest,chast是它的变形,同义词根有来自希腊语的cath。


1. chaste adj.(想法、言行等)正派的,高尚的;守贞节的;(文风等)简洁朴实的;纯洁的 *chast<cast(=pure)

2. caste n.印度的世袭阶级;(排他的)社会团体;种姓;等级制度

3. castigate [使拉走得干干净净cast(=pure) + ig(=drive)]
  castigation n. 惩罚;责打
  The sergeant castigated the private for not shining his shoes.因为没有擦鞋子,中土严厉地批评了卫兵。

4. chastity n.正派,高尚;纯洁;简洁 *chast<cast(=pure)
  chastity belt 贞节带

5. chasten v.通过惩罚使(犯错误的人)改正(或变得更好);磨炼(人);使缓和,遏制;使(文章等)简洁朴实 *chast<cast(=pure)

6. chastise v.惩罚;责骂 *chast<cast(=pure)

7. incest n.乱伦 *in(=not),*chast<cast(=pure)
  incestuous 乱伦的

词根:cast = pure, 表示“纯洁”

caste n. 种姓制度

chaste a. 纯洁的(chast=cast)

castigate v. 惩罚;严厉批评(cast+igate表动词→使…纯洁→惩罚[错误])


【来源及含义】Latin: pure, cut off, to cut off from, separated

【相关描述】A reference to "a race of men" is from Latin casto, "chaste" from castus, "pure, cut off, separated"; past participle of carere, "to be cut off from" (and related to castrate and -cest-).

【相关词根词缀】 Related cutting-word units: castrat-; -cise, -cide; -ectomy; mutil-; put-; sec-, seg-; temno-; -tomy; trunc-.

【同源单词】caste, castigate, castigation, castigatory, chaste, chastely