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词根:cond = hide , 表示“藏”

abscond v. 潜逃(abs离开+cond→藏起来离开→潜逃)

recondite a. 深奥的(re一再+cond+ite→[意义]一再被藏起来→深奥的)

condiment n. 调味品(cond+I+ment→藏起[坏味道]→调味品)

词根词缀:opsono-, opson-, opso-; opsino-; opsoni; -opsony

【来源及含义】Greek: boiled meat; to buy food; to purchase provisions; shopping

【相关描述】"Something to accompany bread to make it more palatable"; hence, "condiment, relish". Also used with the biochemical suffix -in which is used in naming antibiotics, the idea being that opsonin acts as a "condiment" to make bacteria more "palatable" to phagocytes.

【同源单词】duopsony, monopsonist, monopsonistic, monopsony, oligopsonistic, oligopsony


【来源及含义】Latin: where

【同源单词】nullibiquitous, ubi, Ubi amici, Ubi amor condimentum inerit, Ubi bene ibi patria, Ubi bene ibi patria