【同源单词】:coagent, coexistence, cognition, cognitive, cognize
前缀:co- 表示"共同", 通常放在元音词根前
cooperation 合作(co+operation操作→共同操作→合作)
coagulate 凝结(co+agul凝聚+ate→凝聚起来)
coalesce 联合;合作(co+al=ally联盟+esce)
coexist 共存(co+exist存在)
cohere 附着;粘着(co+here粘→粘在一起)
coincide 一致,符合,巧合(co+in进+cide掉下→共同掉进来→巧合)
coordinate 协调:同等的(co+ordin顺序+ate→顺序一样→同等的引申为平等;协调)
前缀:co- 共同
cooperation 合作
coaction 共同行动
coeducation 男女同校
coagent 共事者
coexistence 共存,共处
co-worker 共同工作者
co-flyer 副飞行员
co-founder 共同创立者
cohabitation 同居,姘居
co-owner 共同所有人
corotation 共转
comate 同伴,伙伴
copartner 合伙人
coauthor 书的合著者之一
词根词缀:com-, co-, cog-, col-, con-, cor-
【来源及含义】Latin: together, together with, with
【相关描述】The prefix com- is assimilated to co- before h, w, and all vowels:
The prefix com- becomes, cog- before g: cognition, [co + gnoscere, "to know"], et al.
The prefix com- becomes, col- before l: colloquial, et al.
The prefix com- becomes, con- before c, d, g, j, n, q, s, t, v: covivant, et al.
The prefix com- becomes, cor- before r: corrigible, et al.
【相关词根词缀】 Related "together" units: greg-; inter-; struct-.
【同源单词】abscond, abscondee, anticorrosive, bioconcentration, coadjutant, coadjuting