【词根来源】:来源于拉丁语名词circus(圆), 介词circum(大约)
【同源单词】:circuit, circuitous, circumambulate, circumcision, circumference
词根:cumb, cub = to lean, to lie
来自拉丁语的cumb,cub意为to lean,to lie。同义词根有来自盎格鲁-撒克逊语的croch(croach,crouch,crotch,crutch,crook)和来自拉丁语的clin/cli,cliv,flect/flex等。
1. encumber(靠在里面en(=in) + cumb(=lean,lie))
vt. sth/sb + with + sth 妨碍;使负担(债务、义务等);因...而负担;阻塞(某个场所)
encumbrance n.妨碍,障碍;令人头疼的事
His heirs discovered his estate was encumbered with substantial debt. 他的继承人发现他的遗产负有相当多的债务。
2. incumbent(躺在某物上面in(=on) + cumb(=lie))
incumbency n.职责,义务;任职
The incumbent usually has an advantage in any election campaign. 在任何选举活动中,在职者通常都占有优势。
3. recumbent(躺在后面的re(=back) + cumb(=lie))
I was recumbent in a hammock when the earthquake struck. 地震发生的时候,我正躺在吊床上。
4. succumb(躺在下方suc<sub(=under) + cumb(=lean,lie))
vi. to + sth 屈服,屈从;死
He succumbed to malaria after several long nights of chills and fevers. 经受了几夜的风寒和高烧,他最终死于疟疾。
5. incubus(躺在某物内in(=in,on) + cub(=lie))
The woman claimed to have been violated by an incubus,but was probably insane. 那个女人说自己一直受噩梦的折磨,但很可能她有些精神错乱。
6. cumber
cumber onerself with an overcoat on a warm day. 暖和天穿大衣,自己受罪
cumbered with parcels 肩负包裹
7. cumbersome
adj.麻烦的,累赘的; 笨重的
cumbersome armor 笨重的盔甲
8. concubine
n.妾;姘夫 *con<com(=together)
take six women as his concubines 他娶了六个小妾
9. incubate
v.孵化;培育(细菌);酝酿(计划等),筹措;将(早产儿等)放入保育器里抚养、培养 *in(=in)
10. incubation
n.孵卵;(疾病的)潜伏 *in(=in)
artificial incubation 人工孵化
11. incubator
n.孵化器;细菌培育器;早产儿保育器;酝酿计划的人 *in(=in)
12. succubus
n.女妖(据说在男人睡觉时降临并与其性交) *suc<sub(=under)
13. cube
cube root 立方根,三次方根
cube sugar 方糖
14. cubic
one cubic meter 1立方米
cubic foot 立方英尺
15. cubicle
词根:circum- = 表示"环绕, 周围"
circumcise 环割(circum+cise切→环切)
circumference 周长(circum+fer带来→ence→带来一圈→周长)
circumnavigate 环航世界(circum+navigate航行)
circumscribe 限制(circum+scribe写→规定范围→限制)
circumspect 小心谨慎的(circum+stance站→站在周围→环境)
circumvent 回避(circum+vent走→绕圈走→回避)
词根:cub, cumb = lie down, 表示“躺”
cubicle n. 小卧室(cup+icle小东西)
incubate v. 孵卵,伏巢(in进入+cud+ate→躺在里面→孵卵)
incubation n. 孵 卵;潜伏期(incubate+ion)
incubator n. 孵卵器;早产儿育儿箱
incubus n. 恶魇,梦魇(in进入+cub+us→[人睡觉时]躺在人身上的东西→恶魇)
concubine n. 情妇,妾(con共同+cub+ine→一起躺着的人→情妇)
succumb v. 屈服;死亡(suc下面+cumb→躺下去→屈服;死亡)
accumbent a. 卧着的(ac再+cumb+ent→再躺下→卧下)
recumbent a. 斜躺着的(re回+cumb+ent→躺回去→斜躺的)
incumbent n. 任期者;牧师(in里面+cumb+ent→躺在[官位]上的人→任职者)
incumbency n. 任期;职务(in+cumb+ency)
词根:cumber = barrier, 表示“躺的东西, 障碍”
encumber v. 妨害,阻碍(en进入+cumber→成为障碍→妨害)
encumbrance n. 障碍物;妨碍(encumber+ance)
cumbersome a. 笨重的;碍手脚的(cumber+some有点…的→有障碍的)
前缀:circum- 周围, 环绕
circumplanetary 环绕行星的
circumpolar 在两极周围的
cirumfluence 周流,环流
circumaviate 环球飞行
circumlunar 环绕月球
circumposition 周围排列
circumsolar 环绕太阳的
circumnavigate 环球航行
【来源及含义】Latin: around, about, surrounding, closed curve, circling, circular on all sides; literally, "in a circle"
【相关词根词缀】 Related "around, round, surrounding" units: ambi-; ampho-; circ-; cyclo-, -cycle; gyro-; peri-.
【同源单词】Antarctic Circumpolar Current, circuit, circuitous, circuitously, circuitousness, circuitry
词根词缀:cubi-, cub-, cumb-, cubit-
【来源及含义】Latin: to lie [in a horizontal position or posture]; to lie down, to lie asleep
【同源单词】accumbent, brachiocubital, concubinage, concubine, covey, cubical
词根词缀:cumulo-, cumul-, cumuli-
【来源及含义】Latin: a heap, heap up; gather together, bunch together, cram, amass, compile; pile up
【同源单词】accumulate, accumulation, accumulative, accumulatively, accumulativeness, altocumulus