词根词缀:cheiro-, cheir-, chiro-, chir-, -cheiria, -chiria
【来源及含义】Greek: hand; pertaining to the hand or hands
【相关词根词缀】 Related "hand" units: Dextro and Sinsitro History; Hands as Objects of Art; Hands: Mechanical Marvels; manu-; palm.
【同源单词】acephalochiria, acheiral, acheiria, acheiropodia, acheirus, achirus
【来源及含义】Greek: abortion, untimely birth; primarily used to mean "congenital absence" or "defect" of a part which is normally present
【同源单词】ectrocardia, ectrocheiry, ectrochiry, ectrodactylia, ectrodactylism, ectrodactyly