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词根:-fus-, -fund-


【词根来源】:来源于拉丁语动词fundo, fundere, fundi, fusus(熔,注)。

【同源单词】:confuse, confusion, diffuse, diffusion, diffusive



【同源单词】:effect, effective, effectively, effectuate, efferent

词根词缀:ex-, e-, ef-

【来源及含义】Latin: a prefix occurring in words of Latin origin used in the senses: out, out of, from; upward; completely, entirely; to remove from, deprive of; without; former [said of previous holders of office or dignity]

【相关描述】Before f, ex- becomes ef-; before all voiced consonants (as b, d, g, etc.) ex- becomes e-.

【同源单词】e pluribus unum, educate, educe, efface, effacement, effete

词根词缀:fus-, fun-, fund-, fut-, found-

【来源及含义】Latin > French: pour, melt, blend

【同源单词】affuse, affusion, atmospheric diffusion, autoinfusion, autologous transfusion, autotransfusion