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词根词缀:epi-, ep-

【来源及含义】Greek: above, over, on, upon; besides; in addition to; toward; among

【相关词根词缀】 Related "above, over, beyond the normal, excessive" word units: hyper-; super-, supra-, sur; ultra-, ult-.

【同源单词】anepigraphous, cotyledon, endoepidermal, ephemeral, epibasal, epibasidium

词根词缀:episio-, episi-

【来源及含义】Greek: denotes the vulva or region of the pubes

【同源单词】episioclisia, episioelytrorrhaphy, episiohematoma, episioitis, episioperineoplasty, episioperineorrhaphy

词根词缀:hem-, haem-, hemo-, haemo, hema-, haema-, hemato-, haemato-, hemat-, haemat-, -hemia, -haemia, -hemic, -haemic

【来源及含义】Greek: blood

【相关词根词缀】Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving "blood" word units: angi-; apheresis; -emia; hemoglobin-; phleb-; sangui-; vas-; vascul-.

【同源单词】actinohematin, angiohemophilia, anhematosis, anhemolytic, anhemopoiesis, antihemagglutinin