词根词缀:gel-, gela-, gelati-, gelatino-, geli-, gelo-
【来源及含义】Latin: to freeze; frosting; cold; then, to congeal, and finally: gelatin
【相关描述】Later it came to mean "to congeal"; having to do with "congealing" or with "gelatin, a protein derived from the partial hydrolysis of animal skin, connective tissue, and bone".
Don't confuse words from this Latin element with those from Greek gelo-, geloto-, meaning "laugh, laughing, laughter".
【相关词根词缀】 Cross references of word families that are related directly or indirectly to "winter, freezing, frost, and/or cold": algid- (cold, chilly); cheimo-, chimo- (winter, cold); crymo-, krymo- (cold, chill, frost); cryo-, kryo-; (cold, freezing); hiber- (winter, wintry); pago- (cold, freezing); psychro- (cold); rhigo- (cold, frost; shiver).
【同源单词】aerogel, gel, gelase, gelasis, gelate, gelatification
词根词缀:ign-, igni-, ignis-
【来源及含义】Latin: fire, burn
【相关词根词缀】 Cross references of word groups that are related, directly, indirectly, or partly to: "fire, burn, glow, or ashes": ars-, ard-; -bust; cand-, cend-; caust-, caut-; crema-; ciner-; ether-; flagr-; flam-; focus, foci-; fulg-; gehenna-; phleg-; phlog-; pyreto-, -pyrexia; pyr-; spod- (ashes; waste); volcan-.
【同源单词】Ab igne ignem, autoignition, gelignite, igneous, ignescent, ignible
词根词缀:ligni-, lign-
【来源及含义】Latin: wood
【相关词根词缀】 Related "wood" word units: hylo-; xylo-.
【同源单词】aciculilignosa, gelignite, In silvam ne ligna feras, ligneous, lignescent, lignicole