词根:grat (grac) = thankful, pleasing(喜好)
词根grat来自拉丁语的grat意为thankful,pleasing 等。grac是它的变形。
1. gratuitous adj.免费的,无报酬的;没有理由的(作为感谢而做的grat(=thank,pleasing))
gratuity n. 遗散费;(军人的)退役金
Your gratuitous cruelty is abominable.I've had enough!你那无端的残忍在令人生厌,我已经受够了!
2. ingratiate vt.(~oneself)使满意,讨好,迎合 (使对方感到好感in(=in) + grat (=thank,pleasing,favor))
Despite my lack of credentials,I ingratiated myself with the hiring manager.虽然我不够资格,但我逢迎了招聘主管,使其对我满意。
3. congratulate v.祝贺 *con<com(=together)
congratulatory adj.祝贺的 congratulatory letter/telegram 贺信/贺电
4. congratulation n.祝贺;庆贺;(pl.)祝词 *con<com (=together)
Congratulations !祝贺;offer one's congratulations to 对...说祝贺的话
5. ungrateful adj.忘恩负义的,不知感谢的 *un (=not)
6. grateful adj.感谢的,感激的;令人高兴的,令人愉快的
I am grateful to you for your kindness.谢谢你的好意。
grateful letter 感谢信;trees that afford a grateful shade 有宜人荫凉的大树
7. gratis adv./adj.免费地(的)
be admitted gratis 免费入场
8. gratitude n.感谢,谢意
in token of my gratitude 为表达我们的一片谢意
9. grace n.优雅;好意,恩惠;(饭前、饭后的)谢恩祈祷;(神的)恩宠;慈悲;阁下,阁下夫人;(票据等的)宽限期
graceful adj.优雅的 graceful dancer 优雅的舞蹈家;graceless难看的;粗俗的,不知礼的;graceless behavior 粗俗的行为;gracious 亲切的;慈悲的;her gracious Majesty the Queen 女王陛下
10. disgrace n.丢脸,耻辱;失宠
v.使丢脸,玷污;使失宠 *dis(=not)
disgraceful 可耻的;disgraceful behavior可耻的行为
11. ingrate n.忘恩负义的人 (in- = not)
ingratitude n.忘恩负义
12. ingratiate v.讨好;逢迎(使高兴向着某人)《in- = toward》
ingratiation n.讨好;巴结
词根:grat, gree = pleasing, 表示“感激, 高兴”
gratitude n. 感激,感恩(grat+itude状态)
gratuity n. 赏钱;赠品(grat+uity→因感激给→赏钱→小费)
gratuitous a. 无缘无故的; 免费的(来自gratuity赏钱,给小费可多可少,所以“无缘无故的”)
ingratiate v. 迎合,讨好(in进入+grat+iate→使[别人]进入高兴→讨好[别人])
ingratiating a. 讨好的,诌媚的(ingratiate+ing)
gratify v. 使满足;喜悦(grat+ify使…→使[人]满足,高兴)
gratification n. 满足;喜悦(gratify+ication)
grateful a. 感谢的;愉快的(grate+ful多…的)
ingrate n. 忘恩负义之人(in不+grate→不感激→忘恩负义)
grace n. "优美,文雅(grace=grat,感激别人态度一定好,所以grace有了“文雅”的意义)"
gracious a. 文雅的;亲切的(grace+ions)
agreeable a. 愉快的;适意的(a+gree=able;agree“同意”)
agreement n. 协议;一致(agree+ment)
disagree v. 不一致,争执(dis不+agree同意)