词根词缀:gyno-, gyn-, gynaeco-, gyneco-, gyne-, -gynia, -gynic, gynec-, -gynist, -gynous, -gyny
【来源及含义】Greek: woman, women, female, females
【相关描述】Many of the words from these Greek elements refer to botanic or other biological nomenclature.
【相关词根词缀】 Related "woman, female" units: anilo-; fem-; mulie-; virgo-.
【同源单词】acrogynous, adynamogynous, agynary, agynous, androgygreed, androgynoid
词根词缀:pogo-, pogono-, -pogon
【来源及含义】Greek: beard; referring to a beard or beard-like structures
【相关词根词缀】 Links to other hair-related units: alopec-; barba-; Beards; capillaro-; chaeto-; cirro-; coife; crino-; Hair & Beard Styles; hirsute; pilo-; tricho-; villi-.
【同源单词】anisopogonous, epipogon, gynepogon, isopogonous, pogoiatrics, pogoiatrist