词根词缀:acantho-, acanth-, -acanth, -acanths, -acanthid, -acanthous
【来源及含义】Greek: used either as a prefix or as a suffix; pointed appendages; spine, spiny; thorn, thorny
【同源单词】acanth, acantha, acanthaceous, acanthamebiasis, acanthamoeba, acanthesthesia
词根词缀:ichthyo-, ichthy-, -ichth-
【来源及含义】Greek: fish
【同源单词】ichthic, ichthism, ichthus, ichthyarchy, ichthyoacanth, ichthyoacanthotoxin
词根词缀:toxico-, toxic-, toxi-, tox-, toxin-, -toxically, -toxaemia, -toxemia, -toxaemic, -toxemic, -toxical, -toxy, -toxis, -toxicosis, -toxism, -toxia, -toxin, -toxicity
【来源及含义】Greek: poison
【相关词根词缀】 A cross reference of another word family that is related directly, or indirectly, with: "poison": veno-; viru-.
【同源单词】abstemious, acarotoxic, acetyldigitoxin, actinotoxemia, actinotoxin, adrenotoxin