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【来源及含义】Latin: unbound, free from, pure; pertaining to protection against or freedom from disease

【同源单词】coctoimmunogen, electroimmunodiffusion, immunodiagnosis, immunohistochemistry, immunology, immunopotence

词根词缀:poten-, pot-, poss-, -potent, -potence, -potency, -potential

【来源及含义】Latin: power, strength, ability, able; having authority over; rule over, command of

【相关词根词缀】Cross references of word families related directly, or indirectly, to: "master, lead, leading, ruler, ruling, govern": -agogic; agon-; arch-; -crat; dom-; gov-; magist-; regi-; tyran-.

【同源单词】armipotent, astripotence, auripotence, bellipotence, bellipotent, biopotency