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【词根来源】:来源于拉丁语动词valeo, valere, valui, valitus(强壮,价值)。

【同源单词】:avail, available, countervail, devaluate, devaluation

前缀:il-, in-, ir-, im-


【词根来源】:(il-用于l前;im-用于b, m, p前;ir-用于r前;in-用于其它情况)   来源于拉丁语in。

【同源单词】:illegal, illegality, illegitimate, illiterate, illogical

词根词缀:-ation, -ization, -isation

【来源及含义】Greek > Latin: a suffix; action, act, process, state, or condition; or result of doing something

【相关描述】Although there are over 1,450 word entries ending with -ation or -ization listed in this unit, there are certainly many more which exist in the English language. At any rate, this unit provides a significant number of -ation and -ization examples for you to see.

【同源单词】abarticulation, abbreviation, abdication, abdominal examination, aberration, abevacuation

词根词缀:valid-, val-, vale-, -vail, -valent, -valence

【来源及含义】Latin: valere, to be strong, to be well, to be worth; strong; power, strength; and "fare well" [go with strength]

【同源单词】Ab abusu ad usum non valet consequentia, Ab actu ad posse valet illatio, ad valorem, Aeternum vale, ambivalence, ambivalent