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词根:-lav-, -lut-


【词根来源】:-lav-和-lut-来源于拉丁语动词lav.o, lav.are, lav.i, laut.um(洗); 由拉丁语动词luere(释放,还债;清洗)所派生。动词lav.are是动词luere的变体。

【同源单词】:lavatory, lave, lavish, ablution, antediluvian

词根词缀:lav-, lava-, lavat-

【来源及含义】Latin: wash, washing; bathe, bathing; by extension, clean, cleaning

【相关描述】From Latin lavare, "to wash, to bathe" and is related to Latin luere, luto-, "to wash".

【相关词根词缀】 Related "wash" words: balneo-; clys-; luto-; plyno-.

【同源单词】alavation, antiseptic lavage, antral lavage, blood lavage, bronchoalveolar lavage, elavo

词根词缀:-orium, -oria, -ory

【来源及含义】Latin: a suffix; a place or instrument for performing the action of the main element; a place used for something

【同源单词】amatory, ambagitory, ambulatory, armory, auditorium, balneatory