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后缀:-ician [名词后缀]


musician 音乐家

mathematician 数学家

physician 内科医生

electrician 电工

academician 院士

logician 逻辑学家

beautician 美容师

technician 技术员

magician 魔术师

phonetician 语音学家

geometrician 几何学家

politician 政客,政治家

词根词缀:-aster, -astering, -asterism, -astery, -astress, -astry

【来源及含义】Latin: something that is inferior, small, or shallow; expressing incomplete resemblance

【同源单词】criticaster, hereticaster, historiaster, Latinitaster, logicaster, mathematicaster


【来源及含义】Latin: suffix form of -an from -ianus, a modifier of the main word to which it is attached: belonging to, coming from, being involved in, or being like something

【相关描述】Appearing in such words as comedian, egalitarian, Bostonian, Italian, Smithsonian, mathematician, Alabamian, Californian, Arizonian, and Canadian. It is attached to the root of common or proper nouns with the meanings "of, pertaining to, from", or "like" the proper name appearing in the stem.

【同源单词】abecedarian, academician, acanthopterygian, acararian, acoustician, aeolian