词根:-pot-, -poss-
【词根来源】:拉丁语动词possum, posse, potui, -(能,能够)来源于早期拉丁语动词短语potis esse(能,能够)。posse的前身是古拉丁语potere(能,能够)。
【同源单词】:impotence, impotency, impotent, multipotent, omnipotence
词根:pot(pow, poss) = powerful, capable of
来自拉丁语的pot 意为powerful,capable of,它的变形有pow,poss等
1. empower(使强有力em<en(make) + pow<pot(=powerful))
vt. 授权
empowerment n.授权
The feminist movement empowered millions of women in america. 美国的女权运动赋予数百万女性以权力。
2. omnipotent(能够做所有的事的omni(=all) + pot(=capable of ,powerful))
omnipotence n.全能
In the face of evil,many wonder if god is omnipotent. 在面对罪恶时,很多人怀疑上帝是否无所不能的。
3. potent(拥有力量的pot(=powerful))
potency n.力量;势力,权势;效能,效力;性交能力
potentate n.当权者,有权势的人;君主
A manta ray's tail contains a potent poison that causes a painful sting. 蝠鲼尾部含有一种能够吸引起剧烈疼痛的剧毒。
4. despot
n.专制君主;独裁者;暴君 *des(=ligament)
despotic adj.专制的;独裁的;暴虐的
despotism n.独裁;专制(政治);专制国家
5. impotent
adj.无能为力的; 无力的,无力量的;(男性)阳痿的 *im<in(=not)
6. impotence
n.无能为力;无力;虚弱;阳痿 *im<in(=not)
7. potentate
n.有权势者,当权者;君主,统治者 *ate(=person who)
8. potential
adj.潜在的,可能的 n.潜在事物;潜力;可能性
potentially adv. 潜在地
potentially rich country 有潜力的富庶国
potential wealth/resources 潜在财富/潜在资源
potential customer 有可能成为主顾的人,潜在顾客
potential adversary 潜在的对手,假想敌
9. potentiallty
country with great potentialities 具有巨大发展潜力的国家
10. possibillity
n.可能(性);可能发生的事 *poss<pot(=capable of )
词根词缀:poten-, pot-, poss-, -potent, -potence, -potency, -potential
【来源及含义】Latin: power, strength, ability, able; having authority over; rule over, command of
【相关词根词缀】Cross references of word families related directly, or indirectly, to: "master, lead, leading, ruler, ruling, govern": -agogic; agon-; arch-; -crat; dom-; gov-; magist-; regi-; tyran-.
【同源单词】armipotent, astripotence, auripotence, bellipotence, bellipotent, biopotency