词根:cogn, gno(gn, n), cognis, gnos = to know (知道)
词根gno来自拉丁语的gno 意为 to know 。其变形为gn,n。同义词根来自拉丁语的not,sci。
---------出处 金正基《英语词根词典》
词根cognis,gnos来源于拉丁文cognoscere,gnoscere(=to know)
--------出处 刘毅《英文字根字典》
词根cogn 表示“知道” ①来源于拉丁语 cognoscere 知道,由该词根构成的单词,大都是将它简单地加上前后缀而形成的,如:cognition 认识、cognize 知道 / 认识;-gno(r)- / -cognis- 为 -cogn- 的变体,有异形同义词根:
-sci- 知道,②来源基础词ignorant 无知的,为它的变体,含义为它的引申义,分解为:i- 不 / 否 + -gnor- 知道 + -ant(a.) 表示“…的”,形容什么都不知道的,即无知的 / 愚昧的 / 不知道的gno(r)- / -cognis- 为 -cogn-
的变体,有异形同义词根:-sci- 知道。
---------出处 贾晶晶《赢在单词》
1. agnostic (认为无法了解神是否存在的人a<an(=not) + gno(=know))
agnosticism n.不可知论
Many currently religious people were once agnostics. 现在有宗教信仰的人中有很多曾经是不可知论者。
2. ignoble(无法了解的 i<in(=not) + gno(=know))
adv. ignobly 卑贱地;卑鄙地
The Taliban in Afghanistan met an ignoble end at the hands of the USA. 阿富汗塔利班组织在美国手里落了个不光彩的下场。
3. ignominious(无法了解的i<in(=not) + gno(=know))
ignominy n.耻辱
I grew up in an ignominious hovel in Haiti. 我在海地的一间简陋小屋长大。
4. cognizant(完全知道的 co<com(=thoroughly) + gn<gno(=know))
cognizance n.察觉;认识
The mayor was cognizant of police corruption,but did nothing. 市长明知警察腐败,却没有采取任何措施。
5. incognito(使完全不知道in(=not) + co<com(=thoroughly) + gn<gno(=know))
Famous movie stars often travel incognito on their vacations. 电影明星们在休假时常常化名旅行。
6. connoisseur(完全知道的人 con<com(=thoroughly) + n<gno(=know))
connoisseurship n.鉴赏力;鉴赏家(身份)
As a certified chocoholic,i consider myself a connoisseur of chocolate. 大家都知道我酷爱巧克力,我认为自己是个巧克力专家。
7. reconnaissance(再一次完整地知道re(=again) + con<com(=thorooughly) + n<gn<gno(=know))
reconnoiter v.侦查;勘察
I served with a reconnaissance squadron in the Vietnam War. 越战期间我在侦查队服役。
8. prognosticate(事先、提前知道 pro(=before) + gno(=know))
vt. 预言,预知,预测
prognosis n.预知;[医]预后(对疾病发展状况的预见)
prognostication n.预测,预言,预知;前兆,征候
prognosticator n.预言家,预报者,占卜师
prognostic adj. 预后的;表现征兆的;(n.)前兆;预测;预后
The meteorologists are prognosticating the hurricane's arrival for tomorrow morning. 气象学家预测明天台风会达到。
9. diagnose
v.诊断疾病 *dia(=through)
10. diagnosis
n.诊断;诊断的结果,诊断书 *dia(=through)
11. diagnostic
adj.诊断的 *dia(o=through)
diagnostic test 诊断测试
symptoms that were of little diagnostic value 对诊断没有什么帮助的症状
12. physiognomy
n.观相术;面相;外貌,地貌 *physi(=nature)
13. ignorance
n.无知,不学无术 *i<in(=not)
Ignorance is bliss 无知便是福
14. ignorant
adj.无知的,不学无术的;不知道的 *i<in(=not)
ignorantly adv.无知地;不知道地
15. ignore (i- 否定、-(r)e (v.) 动词后缀(不知道照顾别人,即不顾 / 不理 / 忽视))
v.(有意地)忽视,不理会;[律](因证据不足而)驳回诉讼 *i<in(=not)
16. cognition
n.认识,认知;知识 *co<com(=together) ,gn<gno(=know)
cognitive adj.认识的,认知的
17. cognomen
n.姓;绰号 *co<com(=together)
18. precognition(pre- 预先,cogn 知道,-ition 名词后缀)—— 来自蒋争《英语词汇奥秘》
n.预知,先知 *pre(=before),co<com(=together) ,gn<gno(=know)—— 来自金正基《英语词根字典》
19. recognize (re-加强意义,cogn 知道-->认识,-ize 动词后缀)—— 来自蒋争《英语词汇奥秘》
v.认出,看出;认可,承认 (*re(=again),co<com(=together),gn<gno(=know))—— 来自金正基《英语词根字典》
recognizable adj.可认可的,可承认的;可辩认出的
20. recognition (re- 加强意义,cogn 知道-->认识,-ition 名词后缀)—— 来自蒋争《英语词汇奥秘》
n.认可,承认;认识;报偿 (*re(=again),co<com(=together),gn<gno(=know))—— 来自金正基《英语词根字典》
receive recognition 得到(世人)认可
in recognition of his services 给他的服务以报酬
recognition of the new state 承认这个新国家
21. recognizance
n.[律]具结;保证金 *re(=again),co<com(=together),gn<gno(=know)
enter into recognizance 具结
22. irrrecognizable
adj.不能认出的,不能认识的(ir- 不,见上)
23. incongnizant
adj.没有认识到的(in- 不,没有,其它见上)
词根:sol = alone/single, whole/entire (单独的)
【探源】①来源于拉丁语 solus(=alone)/sollus(=entire) 单独的;②来源基础词 solid 实心的,为它的变体,含义为它的引申义,分解为:-sol- 完整的 + -id (a.) 形容词后缀,表示“…的”,完整的一颗钻石当然是实心的,即
实心的 / 固体的 / 结实的 / 稳固的 / 可靠的 / 纯色的
【扩展】有同形异义词根:-sol- 安慰 / 太阳,来源于拉丁语 solari,
1. console (拥有可以用来安慰的东西 con<com(=with) + sol(=comfort))
consolation n.安慰
consolatory adj.慰藉的,慰问的
consolable adj.可安慰的,可慰藉的
Nothing could console her after daughter's death. 她女儿死后,没有什么能够抚慰她。
2. disconsolate(没有安慰的 dis(=not) + con<com(=with) + sol(=comfort))
disconsolately adv.拒绝接受安慰地,忧愁地
The woman was disconsolate after her miscarriage. 那个女子在流产之后一直郁郁寡欢。
3. solicitous(全身心地大喊的 sol(=entire,along) + cit(=call))
solicitude n.焦虑,焦急;挂念,担心
The nurses have been very solicitous and i really appreciate it. 护士们一直很挂念我,这让我很感激。
4. inconsolable
adj.无法慰藉的,极度伤心的 *in(=not),con<com(=with),sol(=comfort)
inconsolable grief 无法慰藉的悲伤
5. solace
n.安慰(物)v.给...以安慰 *sol(=comfort)
find solace in music 在音乐中寻找慰藉
solace myself with Carlsberg 用嘉士伯酒慰藉自己
6. solatium
n.慰问金 *sol(=comfort)
7. desolate (de- 加强意义,sol 单独,孤寂,-ate 动词、形容词后缀;原义为:" to leave alone,to make lonely,hence to depopulate,to forsake.")
desolate wind-swept moorland area 荒凉的、大风肆虐的荒野
desolate-looking girl 看起来楚楚可怜的女孩
desolate life 孤独的生活
8. desolation
n.荒废;荒凉,凄凉;虚墟 *de(=away) ,sol(=alone)
desolation caused by war 战争留下的废墟
9. sole
adj.唯一的,独一无二的,单独的;独占的 n.(袜子、鞋等的)底,底面 v.给(鞋等)装底 *sol(=alone)
solely adv.单独地,只是
sole cause of the accident 引发事故的唯一原因
have the sole right selling the article 拥有该产品独家销售权
solely responsible 独自负责的
rubber-soled boots 橡胶底的靴子
thin-soled shoes 薄底的鞋
10. soliloquy
n.自言自语;(歌剧中的)独白 *sol(=alone),loqu(=say)
soliloquize v.自言自语;独白
11. solitary
adj.孤独的;独居的;唯一的;人迹罕至 *sol(=alone),-ary(= ...的)
solitarily adv.独自一人地;寂寞的
solitary traveler 孤独的旅行者
solitary life 独居生活
solitary confinement 单独监禁
12. solitude (sol(=alone) 单独,-itude 抽象名词后缀)
live in solitude 独自生活
not fond of solitude 不喜欢孤独的
13. solo(sol(=alone) 单独,-o 名词后缀,表示音乐术语)
n.独唱(曲),独奏(曲);单飞;独角戏 adj.单独的 adv.单独地
soloist n.独唱者,独奏者 (同上,-ist 者)
violin/piano solo 小提琴/钢琴独奏曲
fly solo 单飞
his first solo flight 他的首次音飞
14. solemn
adj.严肃的;庄严的,庄重的;宗教上的;正式的 *sol(=whole,entire,sun) ,emn<enn<ann(=year)
solemnly adv.严肃地,庄严地
solemnize v.举行(宗教仪式,特别是婚礼);使严肃
solemn silence /look sight 肃静/严肃的表情/隆重的场面
15. solemnity
n.严肃;庄严;隆重的仪式 *sol(=whole,entire,sun),emn<enn<ann(=year)
The Queen was crowned with all the proper solemnities. 经过一系列的庄严仪式后,女王登上了王位。
16. solicit
v.向...恳求,寻求(某物),央求;(尤其指妓女在公共场合)拉客 *sol(=whole,entire),cit(=call)
solicitation n.恳求;拉客
17. solicitor
n.掮客;<英>初级律师(负责法庭律师和诉讼人之间事务联系的律师);<美>(政府部门或某一城市负责法律事务的)法务官 *sol(=whole,entire),cit(=call)
Solicitor General <英>副检察长
18. soliloquy(sol(i)独,loqu 言,语,-y 名词后缀)
n. 独自;自言自语
19. soliloquize (见上,-ize 动词后缀)
soliloquist n.(见上, -ist 者)独白者;自言自语者
词根:fac, front = face(面部, 正面), forehead(前额)
fac来自拉丁语的facies意为 face;front来源于拉丁语的front,frons意为 forehead,front。注意不要将其与意为to do,to make 的词根fac相混淆。
1. deface(使从原先的脸上分离出来 de (=away) + fac(=face))
defacement n. 损坏;乱涂
You can be expelled for defacing school property with graffiti. 在学校的财产上涂抹乱写是会被开除的。
2. efface(使脱离本来的面部长相ef<ex(=out) + fac(=face))
vt. 擦掉;消除,抹去(记忆等);使(自己)不受注意
deffacement n.擦掉;抹去
The effects of time had effaced the inscription on the ancient coin. 随着时间的流逝,那枚古钱上刻的文字已经被擦掉了。
3. outface
4. reface
v.重修...的表面 *re(=again)
5. surface
adj.表面的 v.在...上加表面;升到地面;对...进行表面处理 *sur(=above,over)
surface n.表面;物体之一面或一边;外表
rise to the surface 浮出水面
surface-to-air missile 地对空导弹
surface-to-surface missile 地对地导弹
surface impressions 表面印象
surface a road with gravel/tarmac 用沙砾/柏油碎石铺马路路面
6. facade (fac +ade)
facade of indifference 外表冷漠
7. face
face lifting (消除皱纹的)脸部整形
keep a straight face 不苟言笑,正色
lose face 丢脸
face the enemy 直面敌人
face altered circumstances 正视改变了的环境
problem that faces us 我们所面临的问题
8. faceless
adj.匿名的;没有个性的,无特性的 *less(=without)
faceless kidnapper 匿名绑架者
9. facetious
facetious remark/young man 滑稽的话/幽默的年轻人
10. facial
adj.脸的,面部的;面部用的 n.面部按摩;美容
facial expression 面部表情
facial massage 面部按摩
facial tissue 面巾纸
11. facing
12. facet
13. facelift
v./n. 为(建筑物、汽车等)作外观的改善;整形美容术(使脸能抬起-->美化)《lift = 抬起》
14. ineffaceable
adj.不可磨灭的;不能消除的;不能洗刷的《in- = not》
15. interface
n.界面;分界面;不同学科之共有事实、问题、理论《inter- = between》
16. preface
n.序言;开端 v.作为~ 的序言;开始(写在前面)《pre- = before》
17. front
n.前面;正面;开头;前线;阵线 adj.前面的;正面的
fronter n.边境;边界 adj.边界的
18. affront
v.侮辱;冒犯;泰然面对(面对面)《af- = ad- = to》
19. confront
v.面对;使碰面;对抗;相对《con- = together》
20. effrontery
n.厚颜无耻(使没有面子)《ef- = ex- = out of》
词根:vet = old
来自拉丁语的vet 意为old。同义词根有来自拉丁语的sen,presby和来自希腊语的geronto。
1. inveterate(在里面占据时间长的 in(=in) + vet (=old))
My parents are inveterate world travelers. They're hardly ever at home.周游世界已成为我父母的习惯,他们几乎从不待在家里。
2. veteran
veterans of two World Wars 经历再次世界大战的老兵
veteran teacher 经验丰富的教师
veteran Rolls Royce 1916年前制的老式劳斯莱斯汽车
Veterans(')Day 退伍军人节
3. veterinary
veterinarian n.兽医
veterinary surgeon /college 兽医/兽医学校
词根:burs = bag, sack, purse
1. reimburse(放回钱包 re(=back) +im<in(=in) + burs(=purse,bag,sack))
reimbursement n.偿还;赔偿
Please pay your own travel expenses and the company will reimburse you.请先支付出差费用,公司会给你报销。
2. disburse
v.支付,支出 *dis(=away)
disbursement n.支付,支出;支付金
3. bursar
Bursar's Office (大学的)会计办公室
4. bursary
5. bursitis
n.[解、动]黏液囊炎 *itis(=inflammation)
① 表示“不,无,非,没有”
unreal 不真实(un+real真实的)
unequal 不平等的(un+equal平等的)
unfortunate 不幸的(un+fortunate幸运的)
unabashed 不害臊的(un+abashed难为情的)
unassuming 不摆架子的(un+assuming自以为是的)
uncommitted 不承担责任的(un+committed担责任的)
unscrupulous 肆无忌惮的(un+scrupulosu小心的)
untoward 不幸的;逆境的(un+toward顺利的→不顺的)
unconditional 无条件的(un+conditional有条件的)
unlimitted 无限的(un+limited有限的)
unambitious 无野心的(un+ambitious有雄心的)
unconscionable 无节制的(un+conscionabe明智的)
unfailing 无尽的,无穷的(un+failing有尽头;失败的→没有尽头的)
unofficial 非官方的(un+official官方的)
unjust 非正义的(un+just公正的)
unworldly 非尘世的(un+worldly世俗的)
uneducated 未受教育的(un+educated有教养的)
uncivilized 未开化的(un+civilized文明的)
undecided 未决定的(un+decided决定的)
unalloyed 未掺杂的(un+alloy合金,混合+ed→没混合的)
uncharted 图上没标明的(un+chared图上标明的)
② 表示“打开,解开,弄出”
unlock 开锁(un+lock锁)
unbind 解开(un+bind捆住)
unbutton 解开钮扣(un+botton钮扣)
uncover 揭开盖子(un+cover盖子)
undress 脱衣服(un+dress衣服)
untomb 掘墓(un+tomb墓)
unearth 从地下挖出(un+earth土地)
unbosom 吐露)(un+bosom胸→打开心胸→吐露)
unravel 解开;拆散(un+ravel纠缠)
词根词缀:capit-, capt-, cap-, cep-, ceps-, chapt-, chef, cip-
【来源及含义】Latin: head; leader, chief, or first
【相关描述】It may be surprising to see that a "captain" and a "chef" both belong to the same word family; however, a captain is, of course, the "head of a company of military soldiers", and a "chef is the captain of a group of cooks".
A chef, especially to those who love good food, is not a lowly official; and when it is remembered that the old saying that "an army travels on its stomach", a chef is every bit as important as a captain.
When the French borrowed words from Latin, they frequently used soft sounds. These French words, with their softer sounds, then made their way into the English language. At the same time, English borrowed words directly from Latin. So it is that in English we often have two words which share the same root, but which have different, though related, forms and meanings.
Don't confuse the words in this capit-, capt- unit with those in the cap-, cip-, "catch, seize" unit.
【同源单词】a capite ad calcem, achieve, achievement, achiever, acid rain, alopecia capitis totalis
词根词缀:chalico-, chalic-
【来源及含义】Greek: gravel, pebbles, rubble
【同源单词】chalicodophilous, chalicophilous, chalicophyte, chalicosis, chalicothere
【来源及含义】Greek > Latin: traveler, trader, merchant; a trading place, market; pertaining to trade or traveling
【同源单词】emporia, emporiatrician, emporium
词根词缀:esophag-, esophago-
【来源及含义】Greek: gullet, throat [passage from the mouth to the stomach], that which carries food; the path along which food travels from the mouth to the stomach
【相关描述】 Here is a special article about the Neck and Throat.
【相关词根词缀】 Related "eat, eating" word units: brycho-; esculent-; glutto-; phago-; vor-. Cross references related to "neck, throat" word families: cervic-; coll-; guttur-; laryng-; nuch-; trachel-. Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "food, nutrition, nourishment": alimento-; broma-; carno-; cibo-; esculent-; sitio-; tropho-; Eating Crawling Snacks; Eating: Carnivorous-Plant "Pets"; Eating: Folivory or Leaf Eaters; Eating: Omnivorous.
【同源单词】azygoesophageal, circumesophagal, esophagalgia, esophagalia, esophageal, esophagectasia