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词根:-rap-, -rav-, -rapt-


【词根来源】:来源于拉丁语动词rapio, rapere, rapui, raptus(抓)。

【同源单词】:rapacious, rapacity, rape, rapid, rapidity


【来源及含义】Old English: a suffix meaning, characteristic of, like, tending to; of or relating to, from; somewhat, approximately; or a verb ending

【相关描述】A suffix used to form adjectives from nouns and from adjectives. It refers to "relation, resemblance, similarity", and sometimes has a diminutive force; such as, "selfish, boyish, brutish; whitish, somewhat white".

A verb ending, originally appearing in certain verbs of French origin; such as, "abolish, cherish, finish, furnish, garnish", and "impoverish".

【同源单词】abolish, accomplish, acutish, admonish, anguish, anguish

词根词缀:rap-, rav-

【来源及含义】Latin: tearing away, seizing, swift, rapid; snatch away, seize, carry off; from Latin rapere, "to seize by force and to carry off"

【同源单词】correption, enrapt, enrapture, enraptured, fluviraption, nonusurping