【同源单词】:sovereign, super, superficial, superfluous, superior
① 表示“超级,超过,过度”
supersized 超大型的(super+sized有范围的)
supersonic 超音速的(super+sonic声音的)
supernatural 超自然的(super+natural自然的)
superfluous 多余的(super+flu流+ous→流出太多)
supercilious 目中无人的(super+cili眉毛+ous→在眉毛上看人→目中无人)
supersensitive 过度敏感的(super+sensitive敏感的)
supercharge 负载过重(super+chrage收费,负担→负担过重)
② 表示“在…上面”
supervise 临视(super+vise看→在上面看→临视)
superstructure 上层建筑(super+structure结构)
superimpose 放…上面,强加(super+impose放上去→在上面放→强加)
superficial 肤浅的(super+fic做+ial→在表面上做)
superintend 监督(super+intend关心→在上面关心→监督)
supersede 淘汰;取代(super+sede坐→坐上去→淘汰〔以前的东西〕)
superstition 迷信(super+stit站+ion→站在人〔理智〕之上的东西→迷信)
superspeed 超高速的
supertrain 超高速火车
supersized 超大型的
superhighway 超级公路
supermarket 超级市场
superprofit 超额利润
superpower 超级大国
supersecrecy 绝密
supercountry 超级大国
supersonic 超音速的
supercity 超级城市
supernatural 超自然的
superstructure 上层建筑
supervise (由上面)监视
superimpose 放在...上面
superstratum 上层
superaqueous 水上的
superterrene 地上的
superexcitation 过度兴奋
superheat 过热
supercharge 过重负载
supercool 过度冷却
supersensitive 过度敏感的
supernutrition 营养过多
supersaturate 过度饱和
词根词缀:super-, supra-, sur-
【来源及含义】Latin: above, over, more than; excessive
【相关描述】Sur- is a form of super- formed through the French and shouldn't be confused with another assimilated sur- form that comes from sub- and means: "under, below, beneath".
In some words, super- is amplified to mean: "on top of; higher in rank or position than; superior to; greater in quality, amount, or degree than others of its kind; to a degree greater than others of its kind; to a degree greater than normal; extra, additional".
【相关词根词缀】 Related "above, over, beyond the normal, excessive" word units: epi-; hyper-; ultra-, ult-. Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "more, plentiful, fullness, excessive, over flowing": copi-; exuber-; hyper-; multi-; opulen-; ple-; pleio-; plethor-; poly-; total-; ultra-; undu-.
【同源单词】anterosuperior, archaeological survey, beta-gamma survey meter, costosuperior, cybersurfer, electromagnetic surveying