词根:tri, trit = to rub(擦)
词根tri来源于拉丁语 terere 擦,trit为他的变体,意为to rub 。同义词根为fric。注意tri有同形异义词根:-tri- 三 / 三倍 / 三重,来源于拉丁语或希腊语 tri,如:tribe 部落 / 部族、tribal 部落的 / 种族的;有异形同义词根:-terg- / -ters- 擦 / 清洗,来源于拉丁语 tergere,如:deterge 使清洁 / 去污、absterge 去垢/擦去。
1. attrition(用力擦at<ad(=to,intensive) + trit(=rub))
attrit v.消耗;削弱
attrited adj.磨损的
The company is downsizing its staff by attrition rather than layoffs. 公司减员是通过人员自然缩减实现的,而非通过裁员。
2. contrite(用力擦的 con<com(=intensive,together) + trit(=rub))
contrition n.懊悔,忏悔
My nephew seemed genuinely contrite about having taken money from my purse. 我侄子看起来是在真心懊悔从我钱包里拿钱的事。
3. detriment
n.损害,损伤 *de(=away,intensive)
to the detriment of his health 对他的健康有害
4. detrimental
adj.有害的 *de(=away,intensive)
detrimental to our interests 有损我们利益的
5. detritus
n.[地]岩屑(岩石因风化作用掉下来的石粒或碎屑),碎石 *de(=away,intensive)
6. trite
词根:trit = rud, 表示“磨擦”
attriton n. 磨擦;消耗(at+trust→给予相信→委托)
detriment n. 损害,不利(de坏+tri[=trit]+ment→磨坏了→损害)
trite a. 陈腐的(像被磨破了一样)
contrite a. 悔恨的(con共同+trite→身心全部磨擦→悔恨交加的)
【来源及含义】Latin: to rub; to thresh, to grind; to wear away; from tritus, past participle of terere, "to rub"
【相关描述】Don't confuse this trit- with another trit- which means "third".
【相关词根词缀】 Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "rub, rubbing; wear away; wipe": bruxo, brux-; frica-, frict-; terg-; tribo-; -tripsy.
【同源单词】antiattrition, attrite, attrition, biodetritus, contrite, contritely
词根词缀:trito-, trit-
【来源及含义】Greek: third; a number which is often used as a prefix
【相关描述】Don't confuse this trit- with another trit- which means "rub, wear away".
【相关词根词缀】 Cross references of word families that are related, partially or totally, to: "three, third": terce-; terti-; tri-, tre; trigono-.
【同源单词】epitrite, tricuspid, tritagonist, tritanomaly, tritanopia, tritaph