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【来源及含义】Greek: a suffix; one connected with, inhabitant of [also used to indicate chemicals, minerals, etc.]

【同源单词】adelpholite, adelphoparasite, aerolite, albite, amphibiolite, anthropolite

词根词缀:troglo-, trogl-

【来源及含义】Greek > Latin: cave; thriving in caves; cave dweller

【相关描述】The Greek troglo- also means, "one who creeps into holes" and "a hole formed by gnawing".

【相关词根词缀】 Related "cave, cavern" word sources: cav-, cavern; speleo-; spelunc-, spelunk-; stalac-, stalag-.

【同源单词】Nannus troglodytes, Troglichthys rosae, troglobiont, troglobiotic, troglobite, troglobitic