词根:ur = urine 尿
助记:无论在城市还是在农村,随便在路上撒尿是不文明的行为,但是这种现象不仅仅在一个地方出现,很多甚至大都市也会出现随便在路上撒尿不文明的行为,这样的事情不仅在发展中国家,在发达国家也有很多。在这句话里面有一个比较重要的词根vey- / -voy- 道路 / 媒介,来源于拉丁语 via。
1. urine [ur 尿,-ine 名词后缀]
2. urinal [见上,-al 名词后缀,表示物]
3. urinary [见上,-ary ...的]
adj. 尿的;泌尿的
4. urinate [见上,-ate 动词后缀]
v. 排尿,撒尿,排尿
5. urination [见上,-ation 名词后缀]
6. urology [ur 尿,-o- 连接词、-logy (n.) 表示“…学”]
n. 泌尿学
7. rulogist [见上,-logist ...学]
8. oliguria [olig 少、ur 尿,-ia (n.) 名词后缀,表示疾病]
9. polyuria [poly 多、ur 尿,-ia (n.) 名词后缀,表示疾病]
n. 多尿症;多尿
10. polyuric [poly 多、ur 尿,-ic (a.) 形容词后缀,表示“…的”]
adj. 多尿症的
11. glucosuria [glucos(e)葡萄糖,ur 尿,-ia 名词后缀,表示疾病]
n. 糖尿病
12. anuria [an- 无、ur 尿,-ia (n.) 名词后缀,表示疾病,病症]
n. 无尿 ( 症 )
13. melanuria [melan 黑、ur 尿,-ia (n.) 名词后缀,表示疾病,病症]
n. 黑尿症
词根:urin, ur = urine, 表示“尿”
urine n. 尿
urinate v. 排尿(urin+ate)
urinal n. 尿壶;小便池
urology n. 泌尿学(ur+o+log学科+y)
词根词缀:-bust, -ust, -bur; bust-, bur-, ur-
【来源及含义】Latin: burere, "to burn up"; from urere, with an inserted or faulty separation of b in amburere, "to burn around"; which stands for amb-urere, "to burn around", but it was misdivided into am-burere and because of this misdivision, the new verb burere was formed with the past participle bustum; so, it really came from urere, "to burn, to singe"
【相关词根词缀】 Cross references of word groups that are related, directly, indirectly, or partly to: "fire, burn, glow, or ashes": ars-, ard-; cand-, cend-; caust-, caut-; crema-; ciner-; ether-; flagr-; flam-; focus, foci-; fulg-; gehenna-; ign-; phleg-; phlog-; pyreto-, -pyrexia; pyr-; spod- (ashes; waste); volcan-.
【同源单词】adust, adustion, adustness, biomass combustion, combure, comburence
词根词缀:uro-, ur-, ure-
【来源及含义】Greek: urine [water, rain, wet]
【相关描述】Don't confuse this uro- unit with another uro- unit meaning "tail".
【同源单词】uroacidimeter, urodynamic, urodynamics, urodynia, uroerythrin, urogenous
词根词缀:uro-, ur-, -urous, -ura, -uroid, -urus, -uridae
【来源及含义】Greek: tail, tail-like
【相关描述】Don't confuse this uro- unit with another uro- unit which refers to "water, rain, and urine".
【相关词根词缀】 Related "tail" word units: caudo-; cerc-.
【同源单词】anthurium, anurous, brachyurous, cynosure, urochord, urodele