词根:juven = young 年轻, 年少
1. rejuvenate(使重新变年轻 re(=again) + juven(=young))
rejuvenation n. [见上,-ition名词后缀] 返老还童
rejuvenesce v. [见上,-esce动词后缀] 使返老还童,返老还童
rejuvenescence n. [见上,-escence名词后缀] 返老还童
rejvenescent adj. [见上,-escent形容词后缀,…的] (使)返老还童的
rejuvenator n. [见上,-ator表示人或物] (使)恢复青春活力的人(或物)
Those two weeks in florida rejuvenated me. I fell ten years younger.在佛罗里达度过的两周使用我恢复了活力,我感觉自己好像年轻了十岁。
2. juvenile [juven年少,-ile形容词后缀,…的]
adj.少年的;适合少年的 n.少年
juvenile appearance 童颜
juvenile court 少年法庭
juvenile part/role儿童角色
juvenile literature 青少年文学
juvenile delinquent 少年犯
juvenile delinquency 少年犯罪
1. an increase in juvenile delinquency
2. Don't be so juvenile! 别那么孩子气!
3. For a grown man he acted in a very juvenile manner. 身为成年人,他的行为举止显得十分幼稚。
4. The authorities are at their wits' end about juvenile delinquency. 当局对青少年犯罪束手无策。
5. Shortly Tom came upon the juvenile pariah of the village. 不一会儿,汤姆碰上了村里的少年弃儿。
可数名词 少年
The number of juveniles in the general population has fallen by a fifth in the past 10 years.
2. 用作形容词 (adj.)
Juvenile crime is increasing at a terrifying rate.
I'm afraid he'll ultimately become a juvenile delinquent.
They are holding a forum on juvenile delinquency.
He is an expert in juvenile delinquency.
He wrote down to the juvenile readers.
For a grown man he acted in a very juvenile manner.
He's a typical male, as he gets older he becomes more juvenile.
幼仔;幼兽;雏鸟 Young animals are sometimes referred to as juveniles .
5.用作名词 (n.)
They are holding a forum on juvenile delinquency.
He wrote down to the juvenile readers.
At first this shop sold newspapers and magazines only, but it has since put in juvenile books.
词根:tain, ten, tin, tent = hold 握, 持, 守
这四个词根非常重要,在这四个词根中,ten 是基本的形式,词根 -ten- 来源于拉丁动词 tenere 不定式词干,意为to hold保持,-tent- 来自该词的动名词词干,-tin- 是 -ten- 在某些前缀之后的音变形式,tin是元音弱化后的形式。而 -tain- 是 -ten- 的重读形式,是从法语借用到英语后的形式,它也是这些词根中构词能力最强的一个。另外,-tin- 也可以理解为:由词根 -tain- 脱落元音 a 而成,如:pertain 适合、continent 自制的、pertinency血肿。
1. abstain [abs-=ab-离(from),tain握,持,守;“go hold(or keep) oneself from”] [抓住自己脱离某物abs<ab(=from) +tain(=hold)]
vi.from+sth 戒除;弃权;有意回避;戒,避免,避开
abstention n. [见上,ten=tain,-tion名词后缀-->] 戒除
abstinence n. [见上,ten=tain,-ence名词后缀-->] 节制,禁欲
abstainer n.[见上,ten=tain,-er 名词后缀,表示人-->] 节制者;戒酒者
abstinent adj. [见上,ten=tain,-ent 在些表示形容词后缀-->] 节制的,禁欲的
In this age of AIDS.it's wise to abstain from unprotected sex.(在这个艾滋病盛行的年代,最好避免无保护措施的性行为o)
2. attainment [在近处拥有at<ad(=to.near) + tain ( = hold)]
n. 达到;获得;( pl.)学识,才能
attain v. 达到;到达
attainable adj.可达到的
His attainment of a Pulitzer Prize gave him a sense of satisfaction.(获得普利策奖使他感到满足)
3. countenance [一起抓coun<com(= together) + ten ( = hotd) ]
vt. 儿支持,赞间;鼓励
n. 面容,脸色;支持.
Our teacher does not countenance tardiness in the classroom.(我们老师不允许上课迟到)
4. malcontent [不能一起、全部拥有mal(= bad) + con<com ( - together) + ten ( = hold)]
adj. 不平的,不满的;反抗的
n. 不满者;反抗者
Don'l take his comments seriously; he's just an old malcontent. (不要太在意他的批评,他只不过是个心怀不满的老人。)
5. pertain [抓牢 per ( = intensive) + tain ( = hold)]
vi. to+sth 从属,附属;有关;适合,符合
perlinent adj.有关的;适当的
pertinence n. 恰当,适当
pertinentiy adv.适当地
He wrote a report on current copyright law as it pertains to email.(他写了一份有关当前版权法的报告,主要涉及与电子邮件相关的内容。)
6. pertinacious [抓牢的 per(=intensive,)+tin<ten(=hold)]
adj. 顽固的,执拗的;坚持的
pertinacity n. 抗拗,顽固;坚持
Anti-abortionists are one of the most pertinacious interest groups in America. 反堕胎主义者是美国最顽固的利益集团之一。
7. retentive [拿在后边的re(=back.again)+ten(=hold)]
adj. 保持的,有保持力的;记性好的
retain v. 保持,保留;记住
retention n. 保持,保留;记忆力
retainer n. 保持者;仆人,家臣;(律师等的)聘用定金
I used to have a retentive memory,but it's weakened with age.(我以前记忆力很好,可年龄越大,记性越差.)
8. sustain [sus-=sub-下,tain握,持;“在下面支持”]
vt. 支撑,维持;遭受、蒙受(损失等);经历,承受;养育,扶养;【律】确认,认可
sustenance n. 生计;食物;营养;维持
During the lean years.egg sales alone sustained our farm.(年景不好时,我们只能靠卖鸡蛋来维持农场。)
9. tenable [ten持,握,守,保有,-able形容词后缀,可…的] [可维持的或保持的ten(=hold)]
tenability n.站得住脚;可防守;可维持
One tenable explanation is that your tiredness is caused by chronic fatigue syndrome.(一个合理解释是,你的疲劳是由慢性疲劳综合征引起的。)
10. container [见上,-er表示物]
n.容器;集装箱(用于货物运输的大金属箱) *con<com(=together)
contain v. [con-共同,tain握,持“to hold together,to hold within fixed limits”] 容纳,包含,内装
11. containment
n. 遏制(政策);牵制 *con<com(=together, intensive)
containment policy(遏制政策)
12. content
n.(p|.)(具体的)内容;(pI.)(书籍等的)目录;含量;要旨 *con<com(=together)
table of contents(目录)
contents of a statement(声明的内容)
moisture content of the gas(气体的湿度)
Sugar content Of milk(牛奶的舍糖量)
13. continence
n.自制;(特指性欲的)节制 *con<com(=together)
14. continental [见上,-al形容词后缀,…的] 大陆的,大陆性的
adj. 大陆的,大陆性的;(C~)欧洲大陆的 *con<com(=together)
continental breakfast【(喝咖啡、吃面包的)欧洲大陆式早赛)
Continental Congress(【史】大陆会议)
continental drift(大陆漂移)
continental shelf(【地】大陆架)
15. continual
adj. 多次重复的,频繁的;连续的 *con<com(=together)
continually adv.(频繁地:不间断地)
continual interruption(不停的干扰)
continual invitation(频繁的邀请)
16. continuance [见上,-ance 名词后缀]
n. 继续,持续;持续的时间
during the conrinuance of the war(战争期问)
continuance of prosperity(繁荣的持续)
continuation n. 继续,持续;续篇*con<com(=together) exciting continuation of the story(激动人心的故事续篇)
17. continuity [见上,con<com(=together),-ity 名词后缀]
n. 连续(性):电影分镜头剧本;广播节目的申词
There is no continuity Of subject in a dictionary.(字典里各主题之间没有连续性。)
18. continuous
adj. 连续的,不断的 *con<c}om(=together)
continuously adv.(接连地,连续地)
continuous performance(连续上演)
continuous group(连续群)
19. detain
v. 留住;拘留,扣留 *de(- down.away)
detainee n. 被拘留者 *de(=down.away)
20. detention [de- 表示"去掉,变坏,离开,变慢,向下"等 ten 握,持,守 -tion 名词后缀,-->守在那里不让他(她)离开-->]
n. 留住;拘留,扣留
21. entertain [enter<inter(=between),tain,握,持,守,守在他(她)们之间--> 招待他(她)们-->]
v. 招待,款待;使欢乐
entertainer n. [见上,-er 表示人的后缀]
22. entertainment [见上,*enter<inter(=between) , -ment 名词后缀]
entertainment expenses (招待费)
musical entertainment(音乐会)
give entertainment to(招待、款待某人)
23. lieutenant [lieu(=place, left),ten 守,持,握,-ant 名词后缀表示人,--> 守在上级前面,辅助上级工作-->]
n. 中尉,少尉;代理官员;副职官员,助理官员
lieutenant colonel(陆军中校)
lieutenant governor(<芙)副州长)
police lieutenant(警队的中尉,少尉)
24. maintain [main=man手,tain握,持;“to hold in the hand, to keep up,to uphold”]
maintainable adj. [见上,-able形容词后缀,可…的] 可保持的,可维持的
maintenance n. [见上,ten=tain,-ance名词后缀] 保持,维持,坚持 maintenance order((法院下达的)生活费支付令,供养令) cost of maintenance(维修费)maintenance man(维修工)
25. obtain [ob-加强意义,tain握,持;“to get hold of by effort” ,保有一定的权利是为了获取更大的利益,即取得 / 获得]
v. 取得,得到,买到
obtainable adj. [见上,-able形容词后缀,可…的] 可获得的,可取得的,可买到的
26. retinue
n.随员 *re(=again, back)
27. tenacious [ten握,持,执,守,-acious形容词后缀,这个后缀是后缀-ous 的扩展形式,意思跟-ous完全一样,都表示:…的]
adj. 紧握的,坚持的,固执的,顽强的
tenacious of life 生命力顽强的
tenacious memory 很强的记忆力
tenacious foe 顽固的敌人
28. tenancy [见上,-ancy表示行为,情况]
29. tenacity [见上,-acity名词后缀,表示性质]
n. 紧握,坚持,固执,顽强
tenacity of purpose 意志的顽强
30. tenant [ten持,握→握有,占有,-ant者;“房屋、田地等的占有者”]
n. 房客,(房间等的)承租人,租户,佃户
evict tenants for non-payment of rent 赶走没有交房租的房客
tenant right 承租人权利
tenant farmer 佃农
31. tenement [见上,-ment 名词后缀]
32. tenet
33. tenor
even tenor Of one's life(平坦的人生历程)
get the tenor of what was being said(理解所讲的大意)
34. tenure
tenure Of the president(总统的任期)
35. untenable
36. sustenance [见上,ten=tain,-ance名词后缀]
37. continue [con-共同,一起,tin退,持;“把前后各种事物保持在一起”→使连在一起,使相连]
38. continued [见上,-ed形容词后缀,…的]
39. continent [con-共同,一起,tin握,持,-ent表示物;“保持连在一起的陆地”]
n. 大陆,陆地,大洲
词根词缀:loutro-, loutr-
【来源及含义】Greek: bath, bathing
【相关描述】A discussion about the above words appeared in the April 19, 1993, issue of The Christian Science Monitor in an article, "Dictionary Service Answers Questions About Words" (page 14) that described an organization known as "OWLS" [Oxford Word and Language Service]. One writer wrote, "Please can you tell me the word for a person who drinks their [sic] own bath water, as opposed to one who drinks another's bath water?" These words do not exist in any dictionary. Part of the OWLS' reply read: "As the concept is not central to European civilization, I am not surprised that it has failed to find a place in dictionaries. If words for this are needed in the future, then autoloutrophilist and alloloutrophilist are waiting in the wings for their brief flash of celebrity."
【同源单词】autoloutrophilist, louter, loutrophoros