1. Meanwhile, as any serious lover of the arts will tell you, the publication's online A.V. Club features exceptionally good arts reporting (as well as a trove of erudite user comments).
最后,别忘了还有《洋葱》网出版的在线杂志《视听俱乐部》(A.V. Club),据一些严肃的艺术爱好者声称,这份杂志不仅艺术报道做得异常出色,而且就连在文章后面闪耀着智慧光芒的用户评论中都能找到不少真知灼见哦!


2. Meanwhile, as any serious lover of the arts will tell you, the publication's online A.V. Club features exceptionally good arts reporting (as well as a trove of erudite user comments).
最后,别忘了还有《洋葱》网出版的在线杂志《视听俱乐部》(A.V. Club),据一些严肃的艺术爱好者声称,这份杂志不仅艺术报道做得异常出色,而且就连在文章后面闪耀着智慧光芒的用户评论中都能找到不少真知灼见哦!
