1. Created by: Mark Cutkosky at Stanford University's Biomimetics and Dextrous Manipulation lab.
2. Scientists from Leeds University and from Swedish Biomimetics 3000 reported on these propellant abilities in the April issue of Physics World.
3. But a team led by Iain Anderson, the head of the Auckland Bioengineering Institute's Biomimetics Lab, has built an entire menagerie of muscle-powered motors.
4. With the marriage of biomimetics and robotics, there has been a new revolution in structure design and selection of robotic gaits. It enlarges the field of robotic application.
5. The results, just published in Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, show not only that flying snakes are surprisingly good aviators but also that they employ some complex aerodynamic tricks.
6. The researchers, Evan Ulrich, Darryll Pines, and Sean Humbert from the University of Maryland, have published their study on the robotic samaras in a recent issue of Bionspiration &Biomimetics
7. The researchers, Evan Ulrich, Darryll Pines, and Sean Humbert from the University of Maryland, have published their study on the robotic samaras in a recent issue of Bionspiration &Biomimetics