
  • n. 比布鲁斯(现今半拜勒,古代腓尼基港口)
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ancient Phoenician port (modern Jebeil, Lebanon) from which Egyptian papyrus was exported to Greece. The name probably is a Greek corruption of Phoenician Gebhal, said to mean literally "frontier town" (compare Hebrew gebhul "frontier, boundary," Arabic jabal "mountain"), or perhaps it is Canaanite gubla "mountain." The Greek name also might have been influenced by, or come from, an Egyptian word for "papyrus."
1. The city of Byblos offers 6000 years of History & Culture such as the Roman amphitheatre.
比布鲁斯城拥有6000年历史 和 文化,罗马歌剧院即一个典型的代表.
